Melody Makers
    Melody Makers volunteers and leaders standing next to each other and smiling because of the impact they made on young students.


    Melody Makers are a team of students from Saguaro High School dedicated to spreading their passions for STEM and music. We are engineers, coders, pianists, and problem-solvers.

    Our Founders

    Jake Weiss

    Jake is currently a senior at Saguaro High School, Drum Major of the Saguaro Marching Band, and a Team Lead for Sabercat Robotics (FRC 4146). Jazz and classical may seem as opposite as AI and music, but Jake searches for unique ways to combine these fields. His favorite song is “Great Gig in the Sky” and favorite instrument is the jaw harp!

    Jake Weiss smiling while sitting at a piano with a beautiful dark green bush behind him.

    Owen Barker

    Owen is a senior at Saguaro High School. He has played the piano for 12 years, and also plays the synthesizer and the guitar. He is a member of the design team of Sabercat Robotics. His favorite band is Radiohead and favorite song is "Everything in its Right Place."

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